Rise As A Phoenix

To Rise As A Phoenix, It’s Necessary To First Accept Flames

The phoenix is an immortal bird who gets reborn from the ashes.

But the ashes are made from flames consuming its old self.

Without the flames, there’s no rebirth, no progress, no growth.

Is there something holding you back from being liberated as a new phoenix? Some flames you won’t face?

Is there an event from the past that you won’t let go of?

Are there old patterns and routines preventing you from laying down new, healthier ones?

This is what people call “stuck”… when the inability to face the pain of flames prevents their rebirth and renewal.

Can you “move forward” and incorporate rebirth into your life?

Perhaps through the lens of a phoenix, you can see each morning as a rebirth and the Sun’s rays as emblematic of that?

Perhaps you can go further and see every minute, every interaction, every thought, every step, every feeling, every breath as new, and therefore a rebirth.

The fact is, you are in perpetual rebirth and renewal. You make about 2 million new red blood cells per second (phoenix) and presumably destroy just as many (ashes). It’s only your mind that can keep you “stuck” based on a fear of the flames.

Embrace the flames and rise like a phoenix living for each moment.