Depression Tip #30: Cardio!💙

cardio depression energy exercise strength training weighlifting Oct 16, 2024

Depression Tip 30: Cardio! 💙

Exercise is good for depression especially for moderate and mild depression. So the question then is which exercise should you do? Well it seems that a mixture of strength training and cardio is what gives the maximum benefit and especially short intense bursts of exercise.💙

Now I know most people with depression will have fatigue to a greater or lesser extent and they may not be able to think about doing high intensity exercise so the best exercise for you right now is whatever you can do consistently whether that's a gentle walk or stretching in your chair or something like that.💙

But aspire to, and try to build up to, these short bursts of high intensity exercise, especially cardio which seems to reinvigorate the whole system and bring back energy which is what I've been doing over the last couple of weeks.💙

I've added cardio back into my strength training and it's made a huge difference to my energy levels during the day.💙