2 Quick Psychological Tips For Depression.💙

depression mindfulness psychology tips Jul 27, 2024

Two quick psychological tips to help with depression.

Number one: slow your thoughts.💙
Number two: inspect your thoughts.💙

How does it work? Number one is to slow your thoughts. So when we're depressed, we're generally slow physically.

We're really struggling with fatigue and we find it really hard to do basic things around the house. But inside our minds, thoughts are going around at like an incredible pace. Thoughts that are generally ruminating, they cycle over and over again.

They're often self-critical, self-blaming, self-punishing. So the idea is to use some mindfulness meditation, bring yourself into the moment. What is it you hear? What is it you feel on your skin, within your body?

What is it you smell? What is it you taste? What is it you touch? It should bring you into the actual moment. And then that allows you to take a quick break from those thoughts and hopefully they slow down.

Once they've slowed down, the second tip is to inspect them.💙

So is it actually all your fault, whatever it is that you're going over and saying is your fault? Is there a way you could apportion blame more appropriately, take responsibility for which bits yours, but recognize that it's not all your fault?

Try to reality check those thoughts and see if there's not a case that you're looking at it in black and white terms where most things in life are actually shades of gray. And if you can then take a bit of the weight off your own shoulders, you might be able to break that cycling, ruminating, negative thought spiral.

And that over time may give you a road out of depression.💙