Depression Tip #6: Healthy Weight!π
Aug 29, 2024Depression tip number six, try to attain and maintain a healthy weight. If you're overweight or obese, the adipocytes, your fat cells, release inflammatory cytokines into your system and inflammation is associated with depression.π
Also, it's been shown that people who were obese, when they lose a bit of weight, they have improved cognitive function. So there was a meta study done, which is a study that looks at all other studies that can find on a topic, and they looked at both longitudinal studies, which are once done over time, and randomized controlled trials.π
And in either randomized controlled trials or longitudinal studies, they saw improvements in attention, memory, executive function, and language. And those are things that depression really, really adversely affects.π
So if you're wondering what a healthy weight is, just go online and search for a BMI calculator.π